
Nyctophobia Is A Real, Terrifying Thing And You Definitely Have It.

Nyctophobia is an "an abnormal fear of night or darkness." You might think you don't have it, but you do. How does this deep, dark hole to nowhere make you feel? Interested in exploring? Is this door calling out your name? Imagine hearing a knock at the door in the middle of the night and finding this: Or turning on your flashlight late at night and seeing this: Imagine having to walk down this hallway to get where you need to go, the lights getting dimmer and dimmer... Or having to go down these steps, each step bringing you closer into total darkness: Imagine being on a boat in the middle of the ocean, looking to your right and seeing this coming out of the darkness: Or turning back as you run up the stairs and seeing this: Or driving alone and looking out your window and seeing this: The dark can be so terrifying: So, so terrifying: I mean, what if one pai...

Cannibals Arrested In Florida Claim Eating Human Flesh Cures Diabetes And Depression.

Police in Vernal Heights, Florida, arrested 3-practicing cannibals who claim eating human flesh cures both type-1 and type-2 diabetes and depression. According to Vernal Heights Chief of Police, Gregory Moore, the 3-men were arrested when officers responded to what they assumed would be a routine noise complaint. Police arrived at 3845 Toolson Lane (the home of William Provost) at approximately 7:45 PM on Sunday evening in response to a neighbor complaining of strange sounds coming from the home. Crime Scene Photo of residence at 3845 Toolson Lane courtesy of Vernal Heights Police Department. Responding officers told reporters that they assumed their visit to the house would be a quick one and that they would simply be asking the residents to keep the noise down. When the officers arrived at 3845 Toolson Lane, they repeatedly knocked on the door and rang the doorbell, however, nothing could be heard over the sound a stereo inside the house repeatedly pla...

Here Are 10 Great Gift Ideas For Mother's Day.

Here are a few great gift ideas for that special mother in your life on Mother’s Day. 1. Weekend Getaway. A weekend retreat to a ski lodge could be great for the mom who needs a weekend to unwind. 2. Digital Camera. For the new mom, this makes a great gift. Children grow up so fast, catching those fleeting moments are important. With scrap booking becoming so popular, digital cameras also make a great gift for the scrapbook lover. 3. Charitable Donation. For the mom who never stops giving, she would be honored to know that a donation was given to her favor charity in her name. This is truly a gift that keeps on giving. 4. Buy a Tree or Star. Have that special mom immortalized for years to come. Have a star named after her or buy a tree in her name. With God’s love that star and tree will be around even if we are not. 5. Night Out. New mothers would surely appreciate a night out of the house with some adult conversation and atmosphere. It's a si...

10 Tips To Get Great Pictures By The Digital Camera.

Photography is an art, and therefore there are no set rules for getting the perfect pictures. The following tips, however, will help to improve your photographic style, experiment, and get great pictures on a regular basis. Whether your subject is a child, a pet, or nature, try some of these tips on your next photographic foray. 1. Get On Their Level :   With a live subject it is important to get at eye-level before taking the shot. For children and pets this may mean kneeling, squatting, sitting or even lying down to get on the same level as your subject. While it is fun to experiment with different angles, you will have much greater success if you look your subject in the eye. 2. Fill Out The Frame :   Photographs are more powerful and interesting if the subject fills out the frame. Many photographers make the mistake of being too far from the subject. It is best to zoom in close enough the that the subject reaches or goes just beyond the edges of ...

Digital Photo Gallery And Services.

Are aging photos fading your favorite memories? Physical damage, fading colors, silver fish, water, glue stains-all can be fixed online. What can be a more touching gift idea for this holiday season? Restoration: Let aging photos not fade your favorite memories. It could be your favorite old photo that got damaged, aged or simply the acid content in the paper, a photo that got stuck to the frame, exposure to elements- fading, a playful kid (or grown up), physical damage when you moved homes or those darn silverfish which just feed on your family treasures. We can restore the image to its original glory or improve on it. The result is archival quality and memories that can be preserved for years to come. All we need is a good quality scan - 300 dpi is a good start.  Colorization: Convert a B & W, sepia tone or a color tone print to a modern day color photo. We'll work closely with you to ensure that your near and dear ones and even that tree or car in the background g...

Digital Photography And The Printed Word.

An insightful article discussing the impact of digital photography on photo collections. Photo collections – for traditional photographers the phrase conjures thoughts of bound albums and mounds of shoeboxes, stuffed to capacity with 5 x 7 inch pictures. For today’s ever growing ranks of digital photographers however, it brings to mind thoughts of a stamp-sized memory card, a pocket hard drive, or CDs and DVDs. Welcome to the world of digital photography, which is fundamentally changing the way we capture and preserve images. Digital photography today is a rapidly growing consumer pastime with many advantages versus traditional film-based cameras, including the ability to immediately review, erase, annotate or categorize images, speed and ease of operation, and quality at the high end of the digital photography scale. Although some film cameras can operate without batteries, minus the flash, most consumers are unconcerned with use in wet or poor weather environments and...